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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

A year ago I was in rehab following open-heart surgery.  Today I am revitalized, doing all the things I was doing prior to surgery...and more. 

It has been a year worth noting primarily due to a burgeoning loving gay relationship with Ken.  Six months ago he stepped into my life when he responded to an on-line ad I had posted for a roommate/tenant to occupy a vacant room in my home.  Though, for both of us, neither was not exactly what the other was looking for but there was a muted spark that quickly burst into flame with subsequent meetings.  I am 20 yars older than he...he is 50-pounds heavier than I, but we enjoy many commonalities.  We like spnding time with one another, whether it be shopping, dining, walking the beach, dissing the guys we see and/or with whom we come in contact, or simply cuddling at home.  He commutes to his job in Boston (1-1/2 hours each way) and I work 32-40 hours/week, so our time together is limited.  We both have stong family ties.  However, most of his family is reluctant to accept his homosexuality and so he savors the acceptance he finds within mine.  We have agreed to live together for a year before finalizing a decision as to whether a committed union is right for us.  Right now, it feels so right that the next six months may be difficult to maneuver without taking definitive action.  We are currently experiencing a fully committed lifestyle, having pledged fidelity to one another.  There are heavy discussions and decisions involving finances that we have yet to resolve.

So, this Thanksgiving, I am so thankful that Ken is a part of my life...and my cats agree!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

About Me

I believe there is a cosmic being that directs all natural aspects of our world. This being is known by many names by many types of people. I choose to refer to it as God. There is a Spirit that emanates from and is a part of my God. It encompasses us individually creating a direct connection to the deity. And, over the ages there have been many teachers who have been perceived as "chosen ones" to individually educate, challenge, and guide us. My acquaintance and allegiance is with Jesus Christ and I try to follow his example as I work my way through the tenure of life. I have faith that good works carry the promise of benefits both now and beyond. I have hope that righteousness will persevere, and I feel love beyond what I many times demonstrate.

But, I am human. I give what I can and have desires that at times seem out of control. I am sensitive and try not to internalize criticism and rejection. I thrill at works of art and beautiful music, both historical and contemporary. I marvel at technology and what it can do to ease and entertain. Finally, I am a mental whore...always starved for physical satisfaction and getting little. I become ecstatic over the sight and feel of the male body along with representations of it through sculpture and photography. I so desire to love and be loved. Further, I am not ashamed of loving other men. I am comfortable in my own skin. Age is a state of mind and my "Fountain of Youth" is association with younger men...mentally and physically.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mortality Surfacing

Shortly before Thanksgiving, 2010, my mortality reached up and slapped me in the face. It's amazing, even at my advanced age feeling good and taking the prescribed precautions, how complacent I've been regarding the facts of life...yes, all of them. "Sure, you're aging" you tell yourself, "but I'm active, in apparent good health, enjoying life and the people who surround me. There's no reason why I won't keep going for another 20-25 years...loving it!" Then WHAP!, I'm lying in a hospital bed marveling at the medical technology that has brought me through... not forgetting the prayers and best wishes of family and friends that helped me through the experience.

Within a span of 24 hours my optimism relating to longevity wavered. I was reminded that life here on earth, indeed, is not eternal. I was given pause to stop and evaluate the purpose for being given a further chance to continue on. There is really no way to discover the hidden reason in that longevity is primarily beyond our control. Individually, we can find or learn ways that may extend our tenure here, and such luck or education play an important part. Prayer is another extenuating factor...whether offered by ourselves or by those who surround us in life. But still, for what purpose am I still here? I was shown an immense outpouring of love and concern as a result of this incident and have expressed my determination to "pay it forward". I have also self vowed that I will continually pray for the strength and will power to live my life in such a manner that those who observe will recognize the basis for my faith and trust who is the triumvirate God.

Spirit of the Living God

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

-Daniel Iverson
This is a prayer hymn that I often sing. For me it is a reminder that constant renewal is a requirement during these days of turmoil. In order to be remade, I ask that the crust that has formed around my existence be broken and melted into a pliable mass.  This allows a new vessel to be formed...sculpted to reflect a new use.  I further ask that the new vessel be subsequently filled with faith, hope, and love. Finally I ask that my future life actions will make full use of that which the vessel is filled.