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Saturday, November 21, 2015


Respite 2016

Friend, Larry, from Oregon, visited Ogunquit recently.  Originally from the Boston area, he is retired and among his passions are walking, writing and photography with which he embellishes his blog.  Almost annually, during the nearly 10 years that we have been acquainted, he has crossed country by train to obtain his "fix" of New England.  I always enjoy Larry's visits in that not only does it enable us to renew our friendship but it also provides a respite from the routines of life...a mini-vacation, so to speak.  

Prior to his arrival, this trip, Larry suggested that Ken and I meet him at Back Bay Station in Boston where Amtrak would deposit him late in the evening.  We did that, using Amtrak's local Downeaster from our town of Wells, and with Larry made our way the few blocks to Marriott's Copley Plaza hotel.  Dinner was enjoyed at Club Cafe, in Boston's south end to which we walked.  The following morning, as Larry wanted to visit the campus of his Alma Mater, Tufts University, we rode the subway system to as close as it went then walked the distance remaining.  It was a comfortable day for walking and the view of Boston was spectacular from the "top of the library".  In order to arrive at North Station, for our return to Maine, before the train departed Larry called for a taxi that whisked us back to town and eventually we concluded our trip with Larry comfortably ensconced in his Ogunquit motel room.

During the following three weeks, Larry walked many miles including the 5 mile walk from Ogunquit to Wells where, one evening, Ken and I hosted dinner at our home.  At other times we ate and drank at favored restaurants, walked and conversed, watched a televised Republican political debate as well as an Oregon Ducks football win.  Larry spent an afternoon of sightseeing with my sister, and at the conclusion of his stay in Ogunquit his Godson, Joel, and wife drove from Vermont to spend a night with him.  Having met Joel some years before, in Ketchikan when Larry and I cruised to Alaska, I joined them for drinks on the eve of Larry's departure.  The following day Ken and I enjoyed brunch with Larry prior to seeing him off at the Amtrak station where he continued his journey to Boston and beyond.   

Friday, November 20, 2015

Walk at Wells Beach

November 20, 2015

An overnight rain storm departed earlier today leaving a moderate off-shore breeze in its wake.  The sea is still churning with fast breakers loaded with sand and rooster-tails of spray lifted and tossed seaward by that wind.  Friend Larry, a recent visitor to our shore, spoke of messages he received from the sea as he walked the beach at Ogunquit.  With my mind open, during today's walk, I perceived a message of PEACE even as the water roiled.  Usually, during my beach walks, my mind is occupied with songs of praise and gratefulness for the privilege of life along this shore.  Ah, that today's message may be from a harbinger relating globally to days that will follow!